How to Prevent Pimples

Pimples, also called acne, occur when your skin’s oil glands are overactive and pores become inflamed. Some sorts of skin bacteria may make pimples worse. Pimples can appear anywhere on the skin, but they most frequently occur on the face.

Because pimples are usually triggered by androgen hormones and, in some cases, genetics, there’s no surefire thanks to prevent them. Still, there are many methods to scale back their severity and keep them in restraint . Here are 14 of them.

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1. Properly wash your face

To help prevent pimples, it’s important to get rid of excess oil, dirt, and sweat daily. Washing your face quite twice each day may make acne worse, however.

Don’t wash your face with harsh cleansers that dry skin. Use an alcohol-free cleanser.

To wash your face:

Wet your face with warm, not hot, water.

Apply a light cleanser during a gentle, circular motion using your fingers, not a washcloth.

Rinse thoroughly, and pat dry.

2. Know your skin type

Anyone can get pimples, regardless of their skin type. Oily skin is that the most pimple-prone. It’s caused by your skin’s sebaceous glands producing an excessive amount of oily sebum.

Another sort of skin which will cause pimples is combination skin. Combination skin means you've got both dry areas and oily areas. The oily areas tend to be your forehead, nose, and chin, also called your T-zone.

Knowing your skin type will assist you choose the proper skin care products. for instance , if your skin is oily, choose noncomedogenic products that are formulated to not block pores.

3. Moisturize skin

Moisturizers help skin stay hydrated. But many moisturizers contain oil, synthetic fragrance, or other ingredients which will irritate skin and cause pimples.

To help prevent pimples, use fragrance-free, noncomedogenic moisturizers after you wash your face or when your skin feels dry.

4. Use over-the-counter acne treatments

Over-the-counter (OTC) acne treatments may help zap pimples fast or prevent them within the first place. Most contain either peroxide , 2-hydroxybenzoic acid , or sulfur.

Use an OTC treatment to spot-treat pimples. Or use it as a maintenance regimen to regulate outbreaks. to assist prevent side effects like redness, irritation, and dryness, precisely follow the manufacturer’s usage instructions.

5. Stay hydrated

If you’re dehydrated, your body may signal your skin’s oil glands to supply more oil. Dehydration also gives your skin a dull appearance and promotes inflammation and redness.

To keep your body well-hydrated, drink a minimum of eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day . Drink more after exercise, if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, otherwise you spend time during a hot, humid environment.

6. Limit makeup

It’s tempting to use makeup to hide up pimples. However, doing so may clog pores and trigger outbreaks.

Go bare once you can. once you do wear makeup, avoid greasy, heavy foundation, and use products that are noncomedogenic, sheer, and fragrance-free.

Greasy or oily shampoos, body washes, shaving creams, and hair styling products may all cause pimples. to assist prevent outbreaks, choose oil-free, noncomedogenic options.

7. Don’t touch your face

Your hands encounter grime and bacteria constantly throughout the day. and every time you touch your face, a number of those pore-clogging impurities may get transferred to your skin.

By all means, if your nose itches, scratch it. But wash your hands regularly, and check out to the touch your face as little as possible.

8. Limit sun exposure

Catching some rays may dry out pimples within the short term, but it causes major problems within the end of the day . Frequent sun exposure dehydrates the skin, which over time causes it to supply more oil and block pores.

It’s important to wear sunscreen to assist prevent carcinoma . However, many sunscreens are oily. For both sun and pimple protection, wear a noncomedogenic, oil-free sunscreen.

9. Don’t be a pimple popper

As tempting because it could also be to squeeze that larger-than-life whitehead on the tip of your nose, don’t. Popping pimples may cause bleeding, severe scarring, or infection. it's going to also increase inflammation and clog surrounding pores, making your pimple problem worse.

10. Try tea tree oil

Tea tree oil may be a popular folk remedy for pimples. consistent with the Mayo Clinic, it's going to “reduce the amount of inflamed and non-inflamed lesions.”

To use tea tree oil for pimples, apply a few drops to the inflamed area. you'll also add a couple of drops to your daily cleanser or moisturizer.

Prior to using undiluted tea tree oil on your face, do a skin test to ascertain if it irritates your skin. Apply a couple of drops behind your ear or to your forearm, and wait several hours. If irritation occurs, dilute the oil employing a 50-50 ratio before using.

11. Use antibiotics

Antibiotics help reduce inflammation and bacteria on the skin.

Antibiotics are often prescribed. they'll be applied topically to your skin or taken orally . Those taken orally are usually a final resort for people whose acne is severe or doesn’t answer other treatments.

Long-term antibiotic use increases your risk of antibiotic resistance. If your healthcare professional recommends antibiotic therapy for pimples, confirm you ask them about the risks and side effects.

12. Apply French green clay

French green clay is an absorbent, mineral-rich clay with healing abilities. consistent with 2010 researchTrusted Source, French green clay has potent antibacterial properties. It helps prolong impurities, reduce inflammation, and absorb excess oil which will cause pimples.

French green clay is out there during a powder form you combine with water to form a mask . you'll also add other skin-soothing ingredients like yogurt or honey.

13. Avoid certain foods

If your mother ever told you food caused pimples, she was on to something. consistent with a 2010 review, eating a high glycemic diet may cause acne.

High glycemic foods and beverages like chips, food made with white flour, and soft drinks spike blood glucose levels and are often less nutritious than low glycemic foods.

The study also found eating dairy may trigger pimples.

14. Reduce stress

Stress doesn’t cause pimples, but it's going to make them worse. consistent with the American Academy of Dermatology, research has shown that when you’re stressed, your body produces more oil-stimulating hormones.

Some options to assist you manage stress are:







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